About Me

Welcome to Maronite Mum!

My name is Liza and I am a mum of 3 children all under 6 years old and with everything I have learned in my life, nothing prepared me for the hectic road of raising 3 little children… The only thing that has kept me sane is knowing GOD, knowing His amazing Love, Mercy and Grace.

I am a Maronite Catholic stay-at-home mum with dozens of nursery rhymes memorized, loads of washing always ready to be washed or to be fold and a never ending pile of dirty dishes on my sink… and with so much noise in my life on a daily basics, it has become very hard for me to hear the whisper of God’s voice.

So here I am… trying to hear Him and letting Him guide me -with my husband- into raising good Catholic children in this, so anti-catholic, world.

We are all call to be Saints, even our children; we are raising the future generation of Saints of the Catholic Church… we can’t do it without God.

So, would you like join me in this Motherhood journey?


So, let’s begin!