The Little Crosses

The little crosses of every day are often harder to bear than the thumping big ones.”

This is a beautiful quote of St. Mary Mackillop and I stumped with it today on her Feast Day. I’ve never heard it before, but, today, as a mum, this quote has hit a spot differently because it’s so relevant for our days.

When we have a big cross, we know its a cross and we are aware of it clinging to God more deeply for Him to help us carry them. But the little crosses that are camouflaged as daily life, with daily sacrifice, with daily via crucis, those ones go unnoticed.

Oh! How many times we get up at night to change nappies, or clean vomit, or help a drowsy toddler to go to the toilet, or wipe noses, or cuddle a coughing child!

Oh! How many times you run back to their school to drop off their lunch, or their homework or any other important material they needed for the day!

Oh! How many times you go to Sunday Mass and end up returning home frustrated with the noise your kids made, or their distractions that prevented you to reverently listen to the Mass, or sing along with the Congregation!

Oh! How many times you spent hours cooking to be welcomed with criticism from a 3, 5 and 7 years old toddlers who complained about the meal not being their favourite one or because you added that extra ingredient that one of them hates but the other one loves in their salad!… to spend another hour cleaning dishes dreading bedtime and their struggles…

Yes, of course we are blessed to have children and we are raising them with love and patience, teaching them about God, about life, about how important it is to share their toys with their brother or sister, on how important it is to be kind to each other and to others, on how important it is to eat their meal… but all feels sometimes so unbearable but not yet “thumping” situations our children will grow out of them sooner or later to get to the next stage of life… However, these situations puts us in a subtle despair but we shake it of as part of life or part of motherhood and we just keep going trying better next time, the next meal, the next day…

These are the little crosses that we are taking for granted thinking they are not important at the eyes of God because it’s a “part of life” and we should thank God because we are healthy or we’re not going through other more unbearable situations.

And it’s true. We should be grateful for our lives, -however difficult they are at the moment- but St. Mary Mackillop had a great point of view in what she said because we are wasting the opportunity to offer it all up to God in reparation for all offences done to Him… or to offer it all up for the poor souls in Purgatory… or to offer it all up for the Sainctity of Our Church, for Our Priests, for the faithful departed… oh, so many opportunities missed!

Suffering is part of life, whether you’re going through some big crossroad or whether you’re just trying to survive your daily struggles as a mum: all can be an opportunity to turn back to God and His Love, Grace and Mercy and give HIM Glory and Praises through it all.

The devil will find a way to keep you away from God by either distracting you, keeping you busy, attacking you straight forward or by making you feel like you are not doing anything for God by doing small daily tasks… but that is the lie of the devil.

The truth of our God is: “for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, (…) I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, (…) Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’ And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’” Matthew 25: 35-40.

You are doing it FOR HIM and TO HIM. Remember that!

All we want in life is for God to tells us: “Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master’s joy.” Matthew 25:23.

Never underestimate the value of your work as a wife and mother. Family is the centre of God’s plan for the world. Little crosses take you to heaven and to the presence of Our Lord.

We are all here TOGETHER helping each other to go to Heaven raising the next generation of Saints in our imperfect motherhood journey… all for the Glory of God.

God bless you and help you carry on!

Liza, a Maronite Mum

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