As parents we always do things repetitively: every day we wash dishes, we put a load of washing out – if weather permits –, we cook at least one big meal – although there is always the snacks and the small meals to add –, we help our children to have showers and get dressed, we brush their hairs, we change their nappies, we change bedsheets, we prepare lunch boxes to take to school, then we take them to school, we help them with their homework, etcetera… Did anyone see me?

Physically, we do so much of the same thing so many times a day, a week, a month… but did anyone see me?

We speak to our children before taking them to school remind them about their “news” days, about handing their homework, about a school project, then we talk to them when we pick them up asking about their day, their friends, their teacher, their food intake… did anybody see me? I had to run back to school one day because my daughter left her lunch box on the table… did anyone see me? Did anyone notice that I’m never on schedule? I stayed up at night to try to catch up, and I never really caught up?

We take them to Mass every Sunday, we pray at night at bedtime (every.single.night…) We try to teach them about all the things in life… About God, family, friendship, and all the things about life. Did you see me, God?

I’ve worked so hard every day, but they complain about the meals, they don’t eat their food I carefully prepared and put in their lunch boxes, they complain about finishing homework because they are too tired, they don’t want to shower because it’s cold, the dishes keep piling up, the washing machine is about to break down because of so many loads, the children cry because of their hair knots and the other child doesn’t want to blowdry her hair (even though the weather feels like it’s snowing outside)… This is so frustrating as a parent… and also takes a toll on our spiritual and emotional well-being… but it is our daily task, which is mundane sometimes… Did you see me, God?

The sun hides, and the night comes in, so now I have my three kids in their bed, dressed with nice and warm clothes, thick and cosy blankets… and we start the night prayer. I kiss them goodnight and leave them with God and their Guardian Angels looking after their dreams… (spoiler alert: my little one will still come out to talk to me about some random stuff and run back to bed). The cuteness of kids!… I see you in them, my Lord!!

So I head to the kitchen counter with the dishes formed in a mountain, while I trip over a pair of shoes that my daughter just doesn’t seem to understand where they’re supposed to go… I stand up there, and I wonder: did anyone see me doing what I do daily? Do my children notice? Does my husband see it? Do you see me, God?

I start cleaning the dishes, mugs, forks, spoons… remembering my day, remembering the smiles and the stories; making mental notes of the things I need to do next, the things we ran out off to put it on the groceries list…

Hello…? Anyone see me?

And then I remembered the phrase of Blessed Estephan Nehme “God can see me”…

God can see me because He promised He will. He told me (and you) that “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. ” Colossians 3:23-24.

This inheritance has been promised to all of us… and Bl. Estephan knew this… God saw Him!. God sees me! God sees you, too!

God bless you always

Liza, a Maronite Mum

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